Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unconscious Bias - Cracking the Codes_

Unconscious Bias - Cracking the Codes_

Q Watch this clip, Cracking the Codes, about internalized racism. 1. After watching the entire clip, respond to this question: What do you think are the cumulative effects of internalized white superiority and racism for members in both the dominant and subordinate groups. List and explain two effects for each.

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Internalized racism can be regarded as internalization of racist attitudes by people towards ethnic group members of their own consisting of themselves. This may count in the belief towards ethnic stereotypes associated with group of their own. Barriers are presented by the attitudes of internalized racist towards racial equality attainment. It may be believed by a person with internalized racism that to other ethnic groups’ people, they are substandard and equality isn’t a goal that is logical (Hinson, Healey & Weisenberg, 2018).